Mayor - Sandra J. Ford

The Borough Mayor is the only executive in borough government elected by the people. The mayor is the chief law enforcement officer of the borough and the elected official who takes charge during the time of an emergency. Although the mayor does not generally vote on legislative matters, she can vote in the event of a tie, veto an ordinance passed by council, attend and participate in all meetings of council and from time to time report to council on the state of the borough.  The mayor is the only borough-wide elected person who participates in the work of the borough on a regular basis. The mayor has been given full charge and control of the chief of police and the police force.    

The mayor receives complaints about borough services as well as a sounding board for opinions on community issues or concerns. Advising residents and advocating for them with the proper authorities and mediate a solution to a dispute or disagreement. A mayor can also perform marriages. 

In addition to the responsibilities and duties as described above, Mayor Ford also has been working on expanding and improving the Borough of Leetsdale Food Pantry.  She has signed up a great deal of residents, including the Leetsdale Towers by reaching out to our most needy residents. If there is any resident in need of groceries, please mayorsford [at] (contact her via email) or call 724-266-4820.

In addition to expanding the food pantry program, she would like to see a monthly dinner/entertainment at the Leetsdale Towers open to any senior citizen who resides in Leetsdale. She is also in the process of trying to secure transportation for the residents to go to Quaker Village Shopping Center on a monthly basis.  She will be having the yearly Earth Day Clean up as well as many other programs and improvements thru out the year.

To learn more about Mayor Ford,  please click on her name below:

Photo of Sandra J. Ford at her desk
(724) 266-4820 / (412) 865-5747

373 Beaver Street
Leetsdale, PA 15056

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40.5661466, -80.2094816