Maria Napolitano

Photo of Maria Napolitano
Council President
Phone Number
(724) 266-4820 / (724) 799-1297
Fax Number
(724) 266-7530
Office Hours
2nd Tuesday of the month, 10:30-11:30 am
4th Tuesday of the month, 6-7 pm

Maria Napolitano has lived in Leetsdale for 7 years and feels blessed to serve the community. 

After coming to the US as a young immigrant, Napolitano lived in Philadelphia and Iowa, before settling in Western Pennsylvania with her family. Maria and her husband Dominic have five children, ages from 22 to 2; their oldest are Quaker Valley High School graduates.

On the Council, Napolitano’s focus is on municipal planning, finance, and establishing best practices for the Borough’s efficient functioning. She wants to help create a plan for Leetsdale’s development that supports residential priorities, businesses, and green spaces. She also aims to engage the residents and support Leetsdale’s volunteer organizations. 

Napolitano is an involved volunteer. In addition to her role at the Council, she serves as the Secretary of the Planning Commission, and is a member of the Leetsdale Garden Club. She is a past member of the Park and Recreation Board, and a former vice-president of the Quaker Valley High School Home School Association. 

Napolitano has a Master’s Degree in Biology from the University of Pennsylvania.  She has worked as an educator in public schools and summer camps and helps interview high school students for college admissions.